Friday, June 19, 2009

Unexpected House Guests

I went out to do chores this morning and when I reached into get grain to my surprise my barrell has become home to these critters!


Brandon, Misty, Kyla and Casey said...

Holy crap!

Nikki said...

I would have needed a change of underwear if I saw that. I had a heart attack when I saw a mouse in Maggies food bin. Even better that you went and got your camera and took a picture of them!! Glad you are having a great time w/ your mom and dad. Hope the weather holds and you can do alot more exploring!! Love seeing the pictures!

Anonymous said...

How stinking cute are they!?!

Karen M. said...

Holy Cow, I would have crapped a brick for sure. Thought I was havin adventures at the farm but you always top the list of havin a great time. I just got knocked down by an over jealous dog who thinks he needs to herd everything including me! Didn't see that one coming.