Monday, June 14, 2010

Bead and Button Show

This past weekend in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was a lot of fun. The show was a little overwhelming it was so big and my eyes were pretty much bugging out by the end of the first day. I also took some time to walk around in the city, there is beautiful architecture and history. Crazy me though, I didn't take my camera so no shots of the buildings.

So the 3 things I did suck into was something called Steam Punk, the pictures are a form of that called Steam Punkery and the key is bead punkery, all are mixed mediums of polymer clay or beads and crazy mechanical components. There we're a lot of different takes on this so these pictures are only a small sample, it was quite extravagant and whimsical.

I also bought a soldering gun for making my own framed charms and a metal punching/riveting ensemble. Once I do a couple of those, I will post the pictures.

All in all, I didn't spend as much as I surely could have. The classes ran from about $100 for the basics up to $1000 so I really just took in the free demos and asked a lot of questions. Would have been a fun thing to have some girlfriends at, but I ended up cruising it alone. I stayed until some guy started stalking me around the floor, then it was time to hit the city and take in the big air show. It was a really fun weekend!

1 comment:

Trish the Dish said...

Dang, wish I could have been there!