Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Crafty Place

I decided if I waited to blog about my craft room until it was completely finished, it would never happen, so here are pictures of the work so far. I love the table! But as you can see even at 8x4 feet, it's probably still not big enough for all my stuff! I bought the chairs for $20 at a garage sale and repainted them, YEA! The next phase is a Magnetic chalk board on the wall along with a framed jewelry hangar like I made last year. I also want to do shades to cover the front of the shelves at the back of the room, so I am hunting for the right fabric. I hope you enjoy and please send ideas if something sparks you!


BeckyG said...

looks great...maybe you could add some of your Steam Punk art for even more inspiration.

Elaine said...

Wow, I would so love to have a room like this to work on my crafts and scrapbooks! Hope you enjoy many fulfilling hours in this room :-)

Karen Mendenhall said...

It turned out just as planned only better, the chairs are a great find. I really like it and it makes so much more use of the space than the old exercise stuff, and much more fun, right?! I can't wait to come out and use it, November hurry up!

Trish the Dish said...

Awesome! What does the writing on the wall say?