Monday, December 13, 2010

The "Dad" Adventure

Last weekend was pretty intense, Dad had been building a workshop with the help of friends, relatives and neighbors. On Thursday he was getting ready to put some boards up so he could finish the roof. My big bro Dan had just been by and told dad to call when he was ready so Dan could come and help him...famous last words - "we can do this" and attempt to do it they did...Dad and his neighbor Kent decided to just climb up the ladders with the board and somewhere in that plan something went horribly wrong. The board shifted, the ladders wriggled and they both fell. Dad got the worst of it hitting the concrete, the ladder falling on top of him and the board hitting him in the forehead. 30 something stitches later....

The call I got was that dad was in an ambulance, possible broken neck, almost decapitated, not looking good. I dusted off my frequent flier miles, hoped a United flight and got to Las Vegas and then Hurricane as quick as I could. Along the way, the news got better, no broken bones, no concussion, sending him home to heal. I arrived around 9:00 p.m. to an exhausted and worried mom, an ashen and pretty lifeless pa.

I spent the night and I don't think any of us slept much, every time dad made a sound, we were right there checking on him. It was miraculous though how quickly he bounced back. By the time I left on Sunday, he was up and around, eating, joking and pretty much being dad.

The blessings were that he wasn't hurt more than he was, that the neighbor wasn't hurt and is also doing well. That all 3 of my brothers plus some neighbors came together and finished the roof and that I got to spend some time just me and my pa, talking about life in general and what should be important. I am one grateful daughter for blessings that continue to be poured out on my parents of health and well being. Cats have nothing on my dad. And yes, I totally rocked his cinnamon roll recipe for him!

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