Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dresden, OH

The home of the Longeberger Basket Company.  This place was nuts for baskets, I didn't really understand why the ladies were so crazy for the baskets and why they are so expensive but I'm hoping Patty GB sees this and sheds a little light.  The town was very quaint, I got there with about 1hour before the stores all closed and too late for a tour of the actual factory, so will have to go back again and get my basket on!
One of the basket shops
and another one that had retired baskets
Inside one of the shops...
That's one big picnic basket!
It would have been a lot of fun and very interesting to get to go on a tour, I just didn't know about this place even though I had heard of the baskets.  For sure this will be on my list of places to visit.  Anyone want to go?


2pattyesque said...

Have you seen any Longaberger baskets up close? They are such a great quality. I am a reformed addict. I no longer need to buy them but I could look at them all day. The company is always coming out with new things, too.

Karen Mendenhall said...

I had two of them given to me when I worked in Colorado. I know they are year dated some of them and collectors items, I like you don't get the whole buzz about them. They are unique and pretty, also well made, but at the end of the day, they are just a basket, now put in some homemade rolls and you've got a winner! Love the pictures though, they are great!