Friday, June 29, 2012

So TICKED off!

First my disclaimer:  This will be political so I apologize to all my liberal leaning friends....but I am so pissed off that Obama is coming to Colorado today.  I don't even know where to begin so I am just going to spit it all out.  First the West has been burning for a long time now and he has rarely even commented on it yet when the big storm hit Florida he was all over that, of course Florida is a key battle ground state for his worthless re-election campaign, so it would figure that he would go there.  That is not even the point though, he should not be spending money to fly around for a thinly veiled political stump.  Case in point, when he flies here today, it will shut down roads, the Colorado Springs airport, several smaller rural airports, pull attention and resources from the fire fighting in that the Governor and other authorities need to stop to take care of the presidential security issues and basically just insert himself where the only way he would be welcome is if he puts on a firefighting uniform and picks up a shovel.

Second, there are many other fires that are or have been burning that are also epic, the High Park fire west of Ft Collins has burned 90,000 acres and hundreds of homes.  There are fires in Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, New Mexico and the list goes on.  If he wants to show some compassion and support, address the West by satellite, send more resources, stop downsizing the air fleet and for hell's sake, quit making it about getting re-elected.

Obama, just send resources, that's all.

Pictures of the fires are here, just heartbreaking