Karen came to visit last Friday and it has been the most fun few days I've had in a really long time. Everyday was packed with stuff to do, starting bright and early on Saturday and everyday with long walks and picture taking excursions. Saturday we headed to Elbert for the annual Holiday Boutique and the secret recipe world famous baked apples. That night Karen treated me to a Murder Mystery Theatre and dinner in Denver. We had the best time, it was so fun! I don't know who thw guy in th red shirt is, just some drunk guy who jumped in the picture!
The rest of the days were filled with shopping, beauty makeovers, walks, talks, crafts and jewelry making - don't forget the FOOD!
We even celebrated Bruce's birthday by making a big dinner complete with a yummy carrot cake. It was such a fun time, just every single minute. I loved having her here with me. It was so HARD to take her to the airport and drive away today. I'm so grateful for you Karen, you are by best friend and my best sister. I love you so much and I am so grateful for the positive influence you are in my life, I am so happy that you came and spent some time with me, you filled me up and made me smile and made my heart sing and my spirit happy. You need to come back!