Monday, September 29, 2008

New Logo

My new company logos! The bands will be the red color printed with black. There is also a pop of bright yellow just in case you were thinking Hurricane High School colors! The molds are being created for the bands as I write, I should have proofs today or tomorrow. The band is the exact size to fit around a few credit cards and some money. As soon as the insert card is approved which should be today, I'll post that as well so you can actually see how this works. But picture a guy who is holding all of his stuff with a rubber band, like a lot of the younger guys do. This is a better, hipper way to do that and it's great for those guy who have huge wallets in their back pockets, you can get rid of that unsightly bump on their buns. This should carry just the essential stuff, and can be put in a front pocket so it doesn't get picked. All that other crap they carry can be left at home or in a brief case. Bruce is a convert! Let me know what you think.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Tribute to Butch Cassidy

Paul Newman died from cancer yesterday. He is and always has been an American Icon. Handsome at any age and timeless at every age. I loved him in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and who can forget the great scenes shot in our own Grafton? If you haven't seen the movie Message in a Bottle, he plays Kevin Costner's dad and he is awesome. Be prepared with tissues, it is a tear jerker. Rock on Butch!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This is the first, of what I am sure to be many, blog tags. Check it out and if you are 'tagged' at the bottom then you need to answer these questions on your blog.

3 Names I Answer To:
1 - Annie
2 - Spike
3 - Bird

3 Restaurants I Like:
1 - Olive Garden
2 - Colima's
3 - Cafe Rio

3 Trips I Have Planned For The Rest Of The Year:
1 - Hurricane, Utah
2 - Palm Springs, CA
3 - Maui!!!!!

3 Things I Really Want:
1 - Our Leeds property to sell
2 - To be fit (and not so jiggly and wrinkley)
3 - To be insanely happy

3 Pets I Have/Had:
1 - Hannah
2 - Max
3 - Tessie, Booner and Sadie (they're a package deal!)

3 Things I Did Yesterday:
1 - Made Raspberry Jam
2 - Took 2 long walks
3 - Watched General Hospital

3 Things I Ate Today:
1 - Hot biscuits with Raspberry Jam - YUMMY!
2 - Sliced peaches, raspberries, blueberries and bananas covered with yogurt
3 - Chips and Salsa

3 Fears I Have:
1 - Snakes
2- Failing
3 - Puffy white clouds when I'm flying

3 Things I Plan On Doing Today:
1 - Flying
2 - Getting my business license application done
3 - Studying for my college course

3 Things I Plan On Doing Tomorrow:
1 - Calling my brother
2 - Working out
3 - Reading!

3 Holidays I Love:
1 - Christmas
2 - Halloween
3 - Fourth of July

3 Beverages I Like:
1 - Lemonade
2 - Tropicana Juice Waters
3 - Dr. Pepper

1. Karen Mendenhall
2. Nikki Turner
3. Misty Owens
Tag, you're it!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Castlewood Canyon

Today was the big Noel-Levitz annual staff picnic in Castlewood Canyon. This beautiful canyon is only about 25 minutes from us so it was a short trip and a fun afternoon. The company I used to work for used to own NL so I got to know a bunch of the people there as friends and colleagues. Bruce is the handsome guy in the picture. Of course when we took the long hike down into the canyon, I didn't take my camera. We had a great time wading in the icy cold Cherry Creek.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Secret Obsession

I LOVE Il Divo! These guys are so HOT and their sound is so awesome! Check out their last performance at incredible! Their new cd The Promise is set for release 11-18-08, you can bet I'll have my copy pre-ordered. Saw them up close and personal in Victoria BC a year or so ago, it was unbelievable. Need I say more?

Monday, September 15, 2008

One Stinking Night!

There is nothing like living on a farm. We have had problems with skunks and raccoons for the past couple of years. I am a soft heart when it comes to animals so I'm always trying to keep the little critters moving on, but sometimes the battle turns ugly. Yesterday evening, I went out to the barn to feed the dogs, Sadie started barking uncontrollably at the tack stall door, and sure enough when I climbed up and looked over the wall there was a huge skunk in there. And then the undeniable scent of the polecat #(&*$%@^!! Sadie got it straight on and I got it just by being so close to her. The fight was on. We hated to do it, but the skunk crossed the line of barn etiquette and had outlived his (barely tolerable) welcome. We backed him into a corner, the hollow wall between the stall and the barn and that is where he met his maker. It was sad and I still need to get him out of there and give him a proper send off, but the skunk is no more.....hopefully he didn't have relatives. Let me just say, it is still a little stinky around here particularly if the wind is blowing the wrong way. R.I.P.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Life on the farm...

About a month ago I heard a tiny meowing in the barn, it was a kitten that had been born and abandoned by it's mom, about a half hour later I found a second kitten... I launched into the mission of finding some way to keep the 2 kittens alive long enough to find another moma kitty that would adopt them. I wrapped them in my shirt, took them to the house, gave them milk through an eye dropper and then armed with my flashlight, searched every nook and crannie (what is a crannie anyways?) until I found where Dirty Nose aka Callie had just had her kittens. They were back behind the hay so it was going to be an operation to get the abandoned kittens back there and then there were no guarantees she would take care of them. I moved some hay bales and then rigged a parachute kind of thing with a towel. I put the kittens inside and lowered them as far and as close as I could, about 18 inches away from Callie. Then the rest was up to the kittens and their instinct to survive. Today, Callie (she only responds to Dirty) relocated 5 kittens to the tack room, including the 2 white kittens. It made me really happy to see them and they are all pretty tame so I took pictures and fed them milk, this time from a bowl.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Here is a link to the site that walks through the timeline of that day. It is worth the time to look back and remember.

May we always remember....

Super Sarah!!

It's refreshing to see how such a breathe of fresh air makes all the little boys sweat!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day 5 Excedrin FREE!!!!

I'm a recovering Excedrin junkie, it's been 5 full days since my last fix! For those of you who have known me for awhile, you know that I struggle with headaches almost every day, mostly caused by tension and a little thing called stress. I've tried to kick this habit a few times before and although I don't take the excessive amounts that I used too (4 of these bad boys at a time!) it has still been hard to kick the habit, gee must be the caffeine or something. So I'm determined to get 'er done this time but it has been a little rough! Today, I have a dull headache, but I'm heading out for a long walk with the dogs and that should help. If you talk to me or get an email that seems a little more "direct" than usual..... If I can make 2 weeks, I'll be in the clear. I'm really trying not to replace the caffeine either, I don't drink soda (well maybe 1 Dr. Pepper a month) but I have had to resort to a little bit of dark chocolate to take the edge off, but that's healthy right? So I look at this as my Everest to climb right now, what's your Everest?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

United 93

I just finished watching the movie, if you have Direct TV, it runs on channels 245 here quite a bit, but I've also seen it on other channels as well. It was very emotional to watch and feel it all again. But worth it to remember what it felt like to be under attack. One more time, with feeling...Stand up, Stand up Stand up and be proud to be an American!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Remembering 9-11

FLY the FLAG on 9/11

If you forward this message to least 11 people and each of those people do the same ... you get the idea.

THE PROGRAM: On Thursday, September 11th, 2008, an American flag should be displayed outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the United States . Every individual should make it their duty to display an American flag on this seventh anniversary of one our country's worst tragedies. We do this in honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11, their families, friends and loved ones who continue to endure the pain, and those who today are fighting at home and abroad to preserve our cherished freedoms.

In the days, weeks and months following 9/11, our country was bathed in American flags as citizens mourned the incredible losses and stood shoulder-to-shoulder against terrorism. Sadly, those flags have all but disappeared. Our patriotism pulled us through some tough times and it shouldn't take another attack to galvanize us in solidarity. Our American flag is the fabric of our country and together we can prevail over terrorism of all kinds.

So, here's what you need to do; (1) Forward this message to everyone you know (at least 11 people). Take a moment to think back to how you felt on 9/11 and let those sentiments guide you. (2) Fly an American flag of any size on 9/11. Honestly, Americans should fly the flag year-round, but if you don't, then at least make it a priority on this day. I hope you'll join me and fly the flag.

Just a personal testimony, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when the planes struck the Towers. I will never forget the numbing sadness I felt then and in the days to come. I also remember vowing to never let it change my life and my freedom. I am so grateful to those people who are brave enough to go out and actually fight for our country. I am not ashamed to be an American, I am certainly not ashamed to shed a tear at the sight of the flag. I do remember driving down the road and seeing flags everywhere. It was hard to get to town without crying just a little bit. There is still a couple of guys out here in Elbert County who most would call Redneck, mostly because they still have huge American Flags flying from the beds of their pickups, but I just smile and call them, might patriotic Americans. Like we heard the other night...let's stand up for what is right and let's stand up for America!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I usually leave politics for private conversation, but I just finished watching Sarah Palin deliver her speech at the RNC and WOW! I think I like her a lot. She's smart, tough, direct, witty, articulate, intelligent and can deliver a one liner without flinching. I have no doubt she can take Bidden, I think she could take Obama as well and still cook dinner for her family. No doubt her son will become the national teenage heart throb. Impressive to say the least, let's hear it for small town people!!!