Monday, March 22, 2010

Feeling Sick Today

Typically I keep my political views to myself, but today I just can't. I feel nauseous at the passing of the "health care bill" mostly because it is more about egos, socialism, loss of freedom and imposition of a change to my life that I DID NOT want. This sweeping bill has little to do with health care, although that will certainly change (and not for the better) and more about increased government control in our everyday lives.

I'm wondering if so many people are out of work, where will the money come from to pay for this stuff and why isn't there at least as much focus on creating jobs and putting people back to work. I'm sure that our illustrious political boneheads are busy slapping each other on the backs this morning and I cannot look at one more smug shot of obama or one more silly teary eyed shot of bidden. Their work is just beginning, the bill is apparently so bad that it will take a truck load of "fixes" to even get it close to what people thought they were voting on and what about all the back room deals, what is that going to cost me???? And what will they focus in on now...the people who didn't vote with them, will they be crucified now? I guess the over 50% of us who thought this was a bad idea don't really count....

Attached to the bill was also the government take over of the student lending industry forcing schools and students to now borrow directly from the national treasury, that's another $60+ billion (bet you didn't see or hear about that)and another hit to the education system in this country... But more than that, it is my (and your) tax dollars again on the line. I have recently started back to work and I am less than enthusiastic knowing that a bigger chunk will be coming out of my paycheck to subsidize all this "stuff" that is being passed. I am sick to death of subsidizing people who refuse to work, refuse to step up and take care of themselves and who continually bottom feed through life. I know I should be looking for the positive spin on things (and I will eventually get there) but right now I am so MAD I can barely stand being in the same room with myself. What is wrong with us that we are not doing more to stop this and what the HECK is wrong with our country? If I wanted socialized medicine I would move to Canada, if I wanted the government to run every aspect of my life I could move to Russia. I don't believe that having everything, including health care is a's something you have the priviledge to work for and provide for yourself (or not). In fairness, I do understand things like pre-existing conditions, I'm not saying we shouldn't fix things, I'm just saying it's not the job of the federal government to dictate (hello Hitler!) it to us.


Claire said...


Carole said...

The congress of this United States has just signed a death sentence for America. Damn Communists. I too am so mad I am spitting Nails today about this. What were thes morons thinking? Certainly not of you and me. Now all Your Dad & I are good for is, in obamas opinion, "to just take a pill and be well and happy" and what he meant was euthanize the older generation. He has killed the education by having students borrow from a government that can't get anything right and that doen't have the funds to lend a student. "oh well we can just print some more" "Damn Communists"

Elaine said...

So true. We live in very scary times.