Friday, July 16, 2010


Sorry, but I just haven't been much in the posting mood lately. It is hot here, not as hot as Hurricane, but in the 90's and we are a heck of a lot closer to the sun. In the evening when it cools off and you want to be outside the friggin' mosquitos eat you alive, so it makes me a little irritable. But the fun part of the day is turning the hose on and watching Hoss. He loves the water and he loves dragging the hose around, mostly with the water shooting into his mouth and up his nose, there is a lot of coughing and snorting, I guess I should get some pictures or videos, it's pretty entertaining, at least to someone who lives isolated on a farm and rarely sees another (talking) person.

Anyway, I am still alive an kicking. Working like a fool, loving the pay but hating the hours and the stress right now, did I mention that we let the 3 sales people go this week (lack of performance) and now I am pretty much the national sales force until I get some people hired, no pressure....I did sign a huge deal today, Yeah for me! Bruce even took me to dinner to celebrate, at the local steak house, filet mignon, yum!

Stay tuned, I'll get back on track here as soon as I cool off.


Elaine said...

Always enjoy hearing a slice of life where you live! What type of work are you doing now? I have also been bad about blogging--things to say, but working too much and don't want to spend my free time blogging. Hope you are enjoying summer!

Trish the Dish said...

Ugh... I thought those sort of working days were behind you. Aren't you suppose to be doing something fun?

Karen M. said...

And this too will pass, think of all the great money you are making! Ha, ha, money isn't everything but it sure is nice! Dinner! With Bruce! I think I need CPR! Way to pull it out of the bag Bruce, you stud!

Nikki said...

Congrats on the big contract!! Hopefully you won't work like a dog for too long! Can't wait to see some new pics for the doggies!!