Sunday, September 11, 2011

Moment of silence

I don't know how to post a quiet moment, so I will share a quick reflection.  As the days have led up to the 10th anniversary, I have watched and listened to a lot of stories from different aspects of lives that were affected that day.  I know where I was and the impact it made on me, but I am blown away at the all the things I never even thought about, the kids going to school near ground zero, the people consumed by fire balls as the elevators opened, all the people that made the decision to jump, the kids (babies) that will never see a parent, the people calling loved ones to tell them good bye and one lone tree that survived the towers coming down around it.  The tree was taken to a park in NJ and nursed back to health, during the recovery, it was also hit by a bolt of lightning, it is now growing at ground zero, one side scarred, and one side full and beautiful a memorial in itself to the resilience of the human spirit.

1 comment:

Karen Mendenhall said...

Wow I love the post, you always have a way with words, thanks for sharing!