Tuesday, November 29, 2011

3 weeks old!

Its so hard to get good pictures because if they are not sacked out, they are constantly moving.  They are growling, playing, barking (a lot), peeing (a lot) and driving their momma crazy.  I've spoiled her a bit because I will go in and rub her while she is feeding them, which sometimes is the only way to get her in there and it is out of desperation on my part because they start barking and crying and carrying on and it gets pretty loud and heart breaking, so I take 15 and go sit with them, rewarding for me though, it is very serene and the puppies all come lay on me for a few minutes after they get done eating.  It also provides some comic relief, they are on a mission when they are trying to find something to eat and since there are 9 of them there is always one that is not getting a dinner plate so the competition is fierce!  I'll try to get a video but Dira hates the camera so when I bring it out she gets up and leaves...

1 comment:

Elaine said...

They are sooo adorable! Thanks for sharing the fun pics :-)