Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Turkey Day

Started with a picture of me and one of my puppies...
 Then it was off to the Anderson/Cantrell home for dinner.  This is Josh and his new fiance Kristen, they live together in a great old home in downtown Denver.  They are getting married in June and she is a great addition to the family, I LIKE her!
 The 2 love birds cooked most of the turkey dinner.  There was a slight snaffu with the stove not working, but Josh came through (executed and all) and got it fixed.
Here is the Josh man carving the bird, nice job on the cooking and the carving!  I have to say I was impressed which isn't an easy thing....
 Our lovely hostess, Kristen preparing the table, she also painted the picture above the fireplace.
The booger eaters...aka the grandsons.  You'll have to trust me on the rest because this is where the picture taking ended.  It was a fabulous dinner, I wish I had gotten a picture of everyone.  Kirsten's mom and sister were also there and they are very cool as well.  Since the boys were there you have to surmise that Mike and Heather were also there along with Bruce who came with me.  All in all a great day.

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