Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cha Cha Cha Changes...

Sorry I haven't posted updated pictures for a few days, but my life has been filled with, feeding, cleaning, playing, feeding and so on.  They are growing fast and are topping out at about 13 lbs as of today.  Dira weaned them at 5 weeks which was the 10th, so keeping a feeding schedule and keeping them happy is a full time job.  I brought a couple of them upstairs to get Bruce to help me and they promptly dog piled on him biting his ears, they are quick and the teeth are sharp as heck.  I wish this shot would have been a little sharper, but you get an idea of how big they are getting.  This is Spring, the light green female, the Alpha dog and the biggest of the litter.

 The Alpha in the pack, surprising since you would think it would be a male.  She is also most likely going to be a plushie, long coat like her mom.
 This is the dark green male, he's a little smaller by maybe 8 oz. and a slick coat like his dad.  He was so intent and interested in the TV.  Just like his master, Bruce.
 Watching Fox News like he knows what's going on.  It was the only time he held still, too funny!
 Me and the dark green male, so sweet when you have them solo, they just cuddle up, but put them with the other siblings and all heck breaks loose.  I really love these little critters, it has been such a blessing to have them in my home.  I wish I could bottle the sweetness that is puppy love.  It will be a sad day, or maybe just a bitter sweet day when they leave us.


Claire said...

Merry Christmas
Your Dogs are Great!

Carole said...

They are so precious, I love watching how they have grown. What a circus it must be when they are all together.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO BOTH OF YOU and all the critters. sure do love you all.