Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mellow Yellow's New Family

The Reinhardt's came out today to select their new puppy.  They seem to be a great family who lost their German Shepherd a few months back.  It was both fun and gut wrenching to watch the selection process, they were so torn between all the puppies.  They wanted a female so that narrowed it to 5, and I had sent pictures to them a couple days before so they thought they were going to pick the light green girl with the long coat.  After a long discussion between mom, dad and the 2 teen age daughters, we started to eliminate choices to help make it easier.  In the end Yellow Girl actually picked them and it was a match made in Heaven.  Being a little psychic, I actually knew somehow that Yellow would be leaving us today.  I was sad and happy at the same time.  She is going to a good home in Evergreen, CO and with any luck we will get to see pictures of her every now and again.  Happy Trails and good sniffing Wellow, Wellow!

I love the smiles, they are so happy to have a new family member and called when they got home to let us know they had all made it ok.  Here's to wishing them a restful night's sleep :-)


Anonymous said...

They all do look happy! Hope you're doing ok.

Karen Mendenhall said...

They look like 'good people' have a great life Mellow Yellow. Remember that every meal is the best meal, every walk the best walk, every pat on the head the best pat.