Saturday, January 28, 2012

Weekend fun...

Today is an awesomely sunny day for January.  We are so counting our blessings for such a mild winter, although without the snow, our fields will suffer come summer.  We took advantage of the sun and went for a nice long walk.  Even Sebastian, our orange kitty came a long.  Everything went pretty good until the puppies realized there was a CAT! Sebastian quickly made a run for the trees where he sat in the branches and watched from a safe distance.
Sadie was along this time carrying her ball and begging for someone (me) to throw it for her.  She gets so possessive that it was a little tense when the puppies were chasing her, but she did good and no one lost any body parts.
And Miss Tessie tagged along, she's getting so old, 14 plus years and counting, but she always goes with us.  The problem is that over the last year or so she has gone almost completely deaf, so the puppies running up and jumping around her, scares her a little and she's a little crotchedy, so its always an adventure with her.
Tessie teaching Brownie to read her lips!

The 3 Amigos, Green, Lucy and Brownie
Green Girl in full run, great Michael Jordan tongue!

Our beautiful Brownie Girl

And Lucy Lu, a Booner Jr.


Carole said...

Wow, Ann those are great looking pups. floppy ears still it looks like. Sure would have liked to cuddle them with you.

Trish the Dish said...

I miss those walks out to your place! Love the puppies!