Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Maui Teaser

I know I should have been posting the whole time I was in Maui, but my priorities were straight,
-get up
-decide whether to put on shorts or a swimsuit
-which beach or which method of being in or on the water
-what to eat
-ice cream or shaved ice or Jamba Juice
-where to watch the sunset

I have a ton of pictures so I will split them up into several different posts over the next few days.  Let me just say, I had the best time with Courtney and we had some great conversations and a ton of fun.  It was a super fun trip from start to finish.  I feel very fortunate to have been able to go and spend 2 full weeks.
First day there, note that the only color on my body was a fake tan.  I met up with some friends for the first trip out with Captain Steve looking for whales.

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