Saturday, June 2, 2012

Always say "I Love You"

This has been an incredibly hard, but touching week.  I don't want to write about the event that led up to this post because it is so sacred and difficult for so many people including me, but I  want to share something that struck me hard yesterday during the very moving tribute.  Both parents, talked about love and the importance of telling those in your lives that should know, that you love them, every time you leave them, hang up from talking to them, are separated from them.  They should never (nor should you ever) question what the relationship is.  In a quiet powerful statement-"if you have fences that need mending, mend them".  I can't tell you how deep that moved me, in fact watching the Holt family in what has to be the absolute worst hour of their lives be so gracious, loving and grateful was a real testament to me.  I always have had a lot of admiration for them but went way over the top.  I know my heart will hurt for them for a long time.  But my heart is also bigger because of them and because of their example.  I do not say "I love you" easily or often, but I am going to work hard to change that.  I never want those close to me to wonder how I feel or if I feel.


Jim Crocker said...

Beautifully put, Ann.

Carole's Story said...

Yes it is Ann, and I love you with all my heart. I am thankful I was able to share that hour with you, Karen and Dad. It was special and very thought provocing.