Thursday, January 21, 2010

Following footsteps

This one I've been mulling over for awhile, I used to like the quote about going on a path that separated in the woods and taking the least traveled fork, but today I'm wondering about following footsteps that are trodden into the other side. There just seem to be times in our lives when burdens are heavy, the air is foggy and the finish line is no where in sight. You know... it's like the dreams where you're running in slow motion or falling forever. What if those times were the exact times that there were footsteps there to follow, guiding us through the woods on a safe and proven course.

The quote I like on this subject is, "You only have to get half way through the darkness (or woods) before you are headed out the other side." It's kind of like seeing the glass half full. I think that sometimes in our little worlds we feel totally alone, like there couldn't possibly be one single person who knows how we feel or who has experienced what we are going through and maybe that's true, but enough people have gone before us and left footsteps on the path allowing us to put our feet one foot in front of the other in what I would call, small embraces. Another human being does not have to have had exactly the same experience to understand a heart that is hurting, a soul that is lost or a spirit that is in need of comfort.

I guess what I'm trying to say is there are all kinds of foot prints in the sand, on the path in the woods, all through life and sometimes we need to give in and allow the wisdom from those foot prints to guide us when it is hard to navigate fully for ourselves. Being loving is easier for most people than allowing themselves to be loved or allowing others to walk awhile in front of us creating the small embraces for us to follow. It is not a sign of weakness to need others and to say that you need love and support, in fact it is usually an honor to the person or people you request that from, at least that's the way I look at it. I have a hard time practicing what I preach, but trying.....


Karen M. said...

Phylosopher extradinere! I love the footsteps analogy. I hope others add comments. I especially like the part about even though others haven't nessicarily walked the same path, they can still give insight and wisdom into what we are going through. We all have innate gifts and when we share those gifts it helps guide others on their journey. I have been the recipient of many of these innate talents and my life is better because someone dared to take that step and share. You are one of those people, thanks!

Carole said...

so eloquently expressed of the same feelings I have, we all have, at various times in our lives. It is always easier to give than to recieve. However we cannot be a giver and go first without leaarning how to be a reciever and following a leaders footprints. You are wise beyond your years, i would feel safe following your footsteps any timem and many times I have, heart to heart.

Anonymous said...

It is so true that is is extremely hard for some people to recieve love. I am not ashamed to admit that I am one of those people. I embrace the quirks in my personality, finally. Sometimes I think that stopping along the path and enjoying the picnic is best, instead of always wondering whats in could waste so much time worrying about the future that they forget to enjoy the present.