Monday, February 1, 2010


Just a quick post this morning. Lately Sebastian has been a constant outside companion. He goes on every walk with me and the dogs and is basically my shadow while I'm outside. The thing he does that makes me laugh is run up the trees like he's some kind of mountain lion or something. I'm glad he does it, with all the coyotes and preditors out here, it is a great skill to have. Anyway, just a couple of "Sebastian" shots from our walk yesterday.


Trish the Dish said...

It looks like you have another Tiger on your hands - yeah!!!

Claire said...

You have the most interesting pets!

Karen M. said...

It is fun to watch and see the antics of animals, they all have personalities just like we do. It makes my heart happy to know that you are not all alone on your walks. SOmething surene about that. Yes I did go to lunch with Becky and Mom, it was so great to see Becky wish we would do it more often, not like we live so far away!

GLWallace said...

I don't know what we would do without such beauty in our lives as the unconditional love that animals share so willingly with us.

Carole said...

Love the pictures of Sebastion, he reminds me of our cat who has become a fat lazy garfield cat.