Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I feel a little like the weather this Sprinter/Sprummer a little conflicted and not sure what to do from day to day. This is a crazy post, maybe I got too much sleep last night or the hot bubble bath before going to bed did something to my brain, but I am conflicted today in a number of ways.

Am I bored, or do I have so much on my plate that I can't seem to concentrate? Do I want to think or do other things than those that are on my "to do" list...YES! Do I stay or do I go, do I settle or do I leap, am I safe or should I be more on the edge taking more's all boiling up in my overactive mind. I get bored easily, and I must say that I have kept myself in check and lived a rather boring existence for the past while. I don't know maybe I just need an adrenaline fix or a shot in the butt, but I know I am in desperate need of something to calm or excite my senses.

I hope this is not just a mid-life crises, I can't even think that I am mid-life. I rather think I am in my prime and just getting started. I did determine last night as I was drifting into oblivion that the boxes of stuff in my basement need to find new homes. So that is now on the "get 'r done" list. Not exciting but liberating. I can think of a few other liberating ideas....ummm.


Jill said...

I have learned that life can be very precious. So what if you have only 1 year or 40 more to live? What will make this day count? Forget yourself and try and make to do something eash day for someone else. Will I count tomorrow for what I am today? love ya always, and yes, mid life has snuck up on us.

Trish the Dish said...

Whenever I start to feel antsy like that I figure - What am I doing that really makes a difference? A lot of the things we get wrapped up in is just junk and there are better things that we could use our talents and abilities towards. Find something that has meaning and dive into it.

Karen M. said...

Mid life crisis or not, we are there. We oft times feel like that but getting up and dusting ourselves off so that we can shine will make the difference. Set a goal that takes you beyond the box. Reach a little higher, declutter and move on. The road is only less traveled because we didn't take the chance. And I for one want to take the chance, lets do something crazy together so when we are old ladies we can talk about...Remember the time we....! Yep I remember!

Elaine said...

I always get antsy around this time of year--maybe it's Spring Feaver? I do think being the age we are at (and I am older than you) your brain kicks into high gear and you start thinking you need to make each day, minute, and second count. For me it has been a wake up call to do all the things I wanted to do in life, but never took the time to do. I think also the old saying, "Variety is the spice of life", holds very true. Boredom can make a person feel very restless. Just my 2 cents. As a very wise person recently told me (i.e. you!), "Carpe Minutos!" Go embrace life--it is out there waiting for you!

2pattyesque said...

As the principal of my nephew's high school said just tonight, when you look back on where you are now, it will be the things you DIDN'T do that you regret rather than the things you DID do. Hmm.