Thursday, December 24, 2009

A White Colorado Christmas

It snowed all day yesterday and a lot during the night. We ended up with a beautiful powder white blanket of snow for Christmas. The best gift ever! Merry Christmas to everyone and our wishes for a peaceful, abundant and blessed 2010. Love to all!


Carole said...

Oh, Ann, what beautiful pictures.. I wiah I was there to take the moonlight walk with you and your dogs. It sounds like such a peaceful and bright thing to do. Merry Christmas and know we love you and you are in our hearts always.

GLWallace said...

We had a beautiful blanket of white here as well. It has been a while since I had a real white christmas. Thank you for your beautiful gifts and for sharing a part of yourself with me.

Karen M. said...

The sparkles captured in the photo are spectacular, you are getting to be quite the photographer. I love the wagon too, brings back some happy memories of a few Christmases ago, thanks for the absolutely awesome Jasper, I can feel it's power when I hold it.