Monday, September 15, 2008

One Stinking Night!

There is nothing like living on a farm. We have had problems with skunks and raccoons for the past couple of years. I am a soft heart when it comes to animals so I'm always trying to keep the little critters moving on, but sometimes the battle turns ugly. Yesterday evening, I went out to the barn to feed the dogs, Sadie started barking uncontrollably at the tack stall door, and sure enough when I climbed up and looked over the wall there was a huge skunk in there. And then the undeniable scent of the polecat #(&*$%@^!! Sadie got it straight on and I got it just by being so close to her. The fight was on. We hated to do it, but the skunk crossed the line of barn etiquette and had outlived his (barely tolerable) welcome. We backed him into a corner, the hollow wall between the stall and the barn and that is where he met his maker. It was sad and I still need to get him out of there and give him a proper send off, but the skunk is no more.....hopefully he didn't have relatives. Let me just say, it is still a little stinky around here particularly if the wind is blowing the wrong way. R.I.P.


Trish the Dish said...

That bites! Good luck getting the stench of you!

Brandon, Misty, Kyla and Casey said...

I'll never forget when our dog, Jake, got sprayed right in the face once by a skunk. He was so scared that he ran straight in the house and did a few laps around the living room. Needless to say, it took a while to get rid of the smell!

Nikki said...

Sounds like a stinky night at your house. Sorry you had to rub out the skunk!

Unknown said...

All I can say is...Ha Ha! ;-)