Monday, May 25, 2009

Sadie Pretty Young Lady

Sadie has grown fast. She had a gimpy front paw yesterday so there was no ball chasing for her. It didn't stop her from bringing that dang ball everywhere! She turned 1 year old on April 2. She is small (at least compared to Booner) or should I say petite. She is a gorgeous dog though and very smart. She will manage up to 3 or 4 balls on a walk. She knows where they all are, and will either put them together or point them out for you. The grungy balls are a part of everyday life for me and her. If she's not chasing a ball (total concentration) she will chase anything else that moves. We have new kittens in the barn that are a big temptation for her, but the momma cats are pretty protective, I would put my money on them.


Nikki said...

Sounds like you had a great day outside. It's beautiful there. I love your pictures. I am sure it's gorgeous!!

Claire said...

I have been out of town for a while and you have been blogging up a storm