The big blizzard or 2009 has left us with a foot of snow, drifts, and a winter landscape. It is amazing to me that although turkeys can fly, they prefer to stay on the ground and walk. Maybe a bit like some of the rest of us who have great talents but prefer not to use or share them. While the snow is still lightly falling here, it is a great time for introspect and meditation. I think I'll curl up on the couch with a note book and do just that.
Holy cow, I can't believe how much snow you got! That's just crazy. Better now than later!!! :) I love the analogy too, about our talents. I know I am a turkey sometimes!
Loved the post.
Just when you think spring is on the way! It's been snowing here all week, but it warms up enough in the day to melt some of it off. It makes great weather for curling up in a blanket and finishing off the hot chocolate!!
You have quite the animal preserve.Ü
I guess that makes those of us hiding our talents-Talentless Turkeys. Just when I though it was safe to hide a talent, they asked me to play the piano for Priamry today. Guess I better go oil up the old fingers! Hate the snow, glad you have it! Ha!
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