I am...unstoppable
I think....all the time about crazy and wacky stuff
I know...that there is a purpose for my life
I miss....my dose of Trish
I fear...running out of time
I feel....incredibly grateful
I hear....a tractor in the distance
I smell.... I still need my morning shower!
I want....to travel
I crave....family
I cry....over all that's been lost this year
I search...for the meaning to all things and usually everything else I misplace
I wonder...what the point is sometimes
I regret....more than a few things
I wish....I could have had children of my own
I love....flying
I care...about my family
I always....seek to forgive and be forgiven
I have...an incredible life
I worry...about everything
I am not....willing to give up
I remember...camping at Oak Grove
I believe....that there is good in everyone, you just have to look hard enough
I sing...off key and usually to Hannah who runs growling from the room
I argue...a lot just for the sake of making my point
I write...emails to friends from High School that I recently reunited with
I lose...my train of thought sometimes (can you say, Where is Springdale?)
I listen....but not always as good as I should
I don't always....get it right or just get it, period
I don't understand....why things happen the way they do
I can usually be found....hanging out with the critters
I need...to be needed
I forget....half the stuff I start out to do everyday
I am happy....when I am busy
Tagged: Karen, Misty and Peter